
The sweetest storm cloud

Jane dad date!



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-01-2020, 10:07 AM

Ulric couldn't help but grin at the amount of energy that his daughter had. She always seemed so joyous at every little thing and it was what made her so endearing to him. Every time he spent time with his children it brightened his day, but Jane in particular just had a way of making him so happy with her energy. "I'm doing much better now that I'm with you!" he answered honestly when she returned his question back to him. He was also proud at how they were picking up on the manners that he and Azariah were teaching them. He was hopeful that they would all grow up to be the smart, respectful, strong wolves that he wanted them to be, but he hoped that they didn't feel too much pressure from him to be a certain way. He just wanted them to be themselves while still being able to care for themselves when he was gone.

When she hugged his leg he grinned and went to nuzzle her cheek in return. They were all so tiny and delicate compared to him that he always felt like he had to be extra careful around them. It was so hard to imagine how they would look when they were all grown and on their own, but as much as he tried to picture it he also never wanted it to come true. He silently hoped that they would all stay this sweet and innocent and adorable forever even though he knew it wasn't possible. "You have me all to yourself for the rest of the day!" he declared, giving her forehead another gentle kiss before giving her a happy grin. "What would you like to do? We could go explore or I could teach you something or I can tell stories... Whatever you'd like!"
