
What Changes May Come

Council Meeting


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
12-01-2020, 03:36 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Getting all of their pups to bed was a feat in of itself so as she quietly backed out of the chamber where they were all fast asleep she let a relieved sigh pass her lips. A smile crossed her face as she peeked at them, love lingering in her expression. They were a paw full and then some. She had gone from not being sure if she even wanted to be a mother to being a mother to more pups than she could have ever imagined. She loved them all though, even the ones that had found their way into their family unexpectedly. Although... hadn't they all been unexpected? She chuckled softly to herself at that thought before slipping out of the den and out into the darkness of night.

Just as she was about to go find Resin to enjoy what little alone time their role as parents allowed them, she heard Resin call for not just her but several other wolves in the pack. It seemed like tonight would be one for work instead of pleasure. She went to find the scarred woman and smiled a bit when she arrived, easily finding her place beside her Aegis and leaning into her side. It had been pretty easy to see that something had been weighing on Resin's mind as of late so she was sure whatever it was would be the reason for their meeting tonight though she wasn't entirely sure what it was since they hadn't been given as much time to speak lately. Seven children to care for certainly took up a good bit of time and energy.