
Dust in the Wind



3 Years
12-01-2020, 04:16 PM
Standing there watching the grass as it swayed in the wind. Thinking of the places he'd already seen. The dark man couldn't help but think of how much she would have loved it there. Watching the little one as she played at catching butterflies among the summer flowers. Just as she once had and then it had ended, his true happiness gone in an instant.

What flashed through his mind next brought his eyes closed as he bowed his head. A huff escaped through his nostrils. He stood there for a moment as the memory finished.

His ears slanted backwards and his eyes snapped open when he heard someone approaching from behind him. An annoyed expression crossed his features but was gone a split second later as he turned. Plastered across his face was a charming smile

There stood a woman waving her tail in a friendly manner and before he could return a greeting another showed up. Funny how it would be two women to appear. "Well hello ladies what a pleasure it is to find myself in your presence," he said laying it on thick. The facade back in place, a gift really. To add to it all he offered them each a very pronounced dip of his head.

His silver gaze met with the first woman's as he spoke, "It goes," he replied in answer to her question before letting his gaze slid to the other. "Its a good job indeed that you were able to save me from myself." He took quick note of the way the two women stood, something he'd seen before. The scent that was strong in the air. He'd missed it before because of where his thoughts had been, she always could cause him to forget himself.

He'd stumbled across a pack of all things, leave it to him. Well it wasn't quite time for that sort of thing was it. "Your Armada has settled on quite the place I just couldn't resist taking a moment to admire it." He kept the same tone as before. "And now such lovely ladies shouldn't leave a man waiting may I have the pleasure of your names?"