
lost? definitely lost...



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
12-01-2020, 07:33 PM
The desert was hardly Caelia's favorite place, but she'd been born in the west and so the west as a whole was what she considered her domain - this stretch of dry, arid landscape included. The vast stretch of sand seemed to stretch on infinitely before her, though she knew it was merely an illusion. She'd crossed a stretch of these sand dunes before and she knew how to navigate safely across them. If you went north from where she was, they'd stretch on for hours - maybe even days, if you were really lost - but she knew the short way through led to far more temperate terrain. Though these sand dunes were hard hospitable, there was something about these desolate place that was precisely what she needed right now. Being completely alone seemed to quell her more unpleasant thoughts, at least temporarily, as she continued her trek across the sand.

Her vision blurred from the monotony of the landscape, blinding sand for as far as she could see, though her attention was drawn to a distinct figure in the distance. Another wolf trekking across the dunes. This landscape was rarely a place she saw others, so her interest was immediately piqued. Making her way down the stretch of the dune she'd been traversing, she made to close the distance between them. Only once she was much closer did she notice the shape Keres was in, and needless to say she looked like she'd seen better days. "Are you lost? Or just some kind of desert-dweller?" Hey, for all she knew maybe there were wolves comfortable spending extended periods of time here, but it was hard to imagine the novelty of this place wouldn't wear off eventually... if not quickly.