
Honey, I'm Home!

for Theory



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
12-01-2020, 07:52 PM
She watched with faint bemusement as Theory's demeanor shifted. At first she'd seemed almost standoffish, despite her quiet voice - and then all at once she seemed to deflate, like the air had left her lungs all at once. "No. Just for my family," she responded quietly. For her family, she would do anything; the extent to which she would go wasn't something she cared to dwell on for long. Her life meant little in the larger picture, and regardless of her thoughts on death or the afterlife she would sacrifice her own life in an instant if it was requested of her. Leaving Abaven to attend Aureus's funeral wasn't something she'd even had to think twice about. For a moment she wondered if Theory realized how deep her loyalties truly lay, and if hers were as unyielding.

Her thoughts were very slightly deterred by Theory leaning against her, and as if pulled by some invisible force she found herself sinking to her hindquarters too. A quiet sigh left her lips, a sound fitting for the foggy autumn morning. Her warmth was comforting and inviting, and made opening up a little that much easier. "Not well," she admitted after a moment of hesitation. Perhaps lying would be better; to frame the Abraxas as some unshakable force of strength might be favorable. But Theory spoke at length about her own family ties, and she had a feeling she wouldn't view their mourning as a weakness. If anything, didn't it make them more relatable?

Better yet, why the fuck was she thinking like this right now? Because she had to. Because this was why she was here. She shook her head, as if trying to push those thoughts away, but as she swung herself around to glance at Theory she found herself completely caught off guard. She'd prayed for her return, she said. "You prayed?" She echoed, brows furrowing slightly. Theory had never struck her as religious, and though she'd never quite denied Thalia's own faith she certainly hadn't seemed to think it held much weight. It was only natural to pray to one's God in a time of need, though.... had her absence really distressed her so thoroughly that she might seek the guidance of a higher power? "To who?" Thalia was curious, painfully so, and she found herself leaning a bit further into Theory, tilting her head so her nose grazed the side of her shoulder, gently inviting a response.