
A new Empire

Ellery Hervok


2 Years
Extra large
12-02-2020, 04:55 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2020, 04:56 PM by Ellery Hervok.)
Word count, 376

The land they’d arrived in was different from any other she’d been in, that much was certain from the weather. Back in the Lore and the Dell, this time of year there was certain to have been at least one snowfall already. Of course that didn’t bother her a bit. Her fur was plush and thick, and while she did shed for the summer months it was still almost unbearable. But in the winter? That was when she flourished.

The travel with the two Archer men had, as expected, taken longer than she anticipated. Of course there was little that could be expected with travel when you were going somewhere you’d never been. But she knew they probably could have shaved a few days off if Judas and Ramiel hadn’t been content to sniff around and peruse to their hearts’ desires. She tried not to act too impatient, but she knew she came off that way.

Nineva had told her to go along with them for a few reasons, but the biggest one was to be more...what was the phrase she’d used again...ah, independent. Ellery took some offense to this. She considered herself to be very independent. Just because she was happy to do her mother’s righteous bidding didn’t mean she wasn’t able to be her own wolf. But, Ellery went along with it anyways, even with her own reasons. Sure, she would go along and yeah she’d be able to explore while they were out, but the main goal was to retrieve Scully, Avella and Clouse. Well, mainly Clouse. Scully and Avella, as her agemates, were plenty old enough to take care of themselves, but Clouse was a 6 month old pup and her little brother. He needed the protection of a pack, not of that wayward pair. Well, Scully was the more wayward one, Avella usually seemed to be along for the ride.

The Hervok woman watched Judas take a drink from the stream and the look in his eyes told her that they’d be there a while. So, she plopped her butt down. “With the way you talk sometimes, you’d think you were 13 instead of 3,” she mused.


[Image: Ellerychibi.png]