
You are unable to definitely identify the skeleton


09-08-2013, 06:19 PM

From his sigh the lemur could guess the wolf was disappointed by his answer, going ahead and asking if he considered it to be a good or bad thing that they were gone. That was a really good question, one most would think about for ages. He knew animals who had thought about it for years, and even became worried once the humans were finally gone. Was it good or bad?

Before he could answer though Oddity continued talking, saying how he felt like a pup and was learning new things since being locked up apart from being taught how to kill and survive. Ah, so he was one of those creatures. He wouldn't say anything about it, just continue listening as he added how meeting new wolves has changed him in ways he didn't think was possible.
"Yet I still can't find myself feeling bad for others if I do them wrong."

"Like the humans we are all different, some feel guilt for their actions that hurt others, and some don't. We are all programmed differently." Zabu would turn around to look at the giant ice shard for a moment before turning and leaping up onto the trunk of a nearby tree, scaling it within seconds and sitting on a branch. "As for your earlier question, I think it is a bit good that the humans are gone. The air is cleaner, you don't gag on the filth they would shove into it. Mother nature is taking back the land meant for animals, covering the humans trash. But it could also be bad, animal populations will jump, food will run out, animals will die from lack of resources." He would give a shrug of his shoulders, scratching at the branch.


Awesome table by WolfEyez <3