
A new Empire

Judas I


3 Years
12-03-2020, 08:53 PM
[Word count: 386.]

He couldn't help the half-cocked smirk which spread over his features at Ellery's words, causing him to toss his head around his foreleg to look back at her. "Yeah well, we've seen a lot of shit." A chuckle as he glances over into his brother's direction who in turn teased back. Of course, Judas always had a snarky comeback. "Dont listen to him Elle. Hes just mad he isnt aging as finely as I." Of course, they were both only three, hardly old by any means.

The majority of their lives they had wandered around from one place to the next: from 'pack hopping' around the Lore mostly between their relatives leading packs, to visiting Torbine higher in the north, to Devilsbite Dell where they had been born and then southward here, where they hoped they would run into the little group that had wandered off on them. At least they hadn't decided to go northward this time of year, he thought.

Judas heard his brother out then as he considered settling here for a while, more than a few days which would have been Judas idea, but to stay maybe here for the whole winter. His lips formed in a tight line, considering it. It wanted to find his cousins but more so he worried about the safety of the kid, which just so happened to be his. If they didn't find him before winter maybe someone at least would and take him in.

Judas begins again in a slow lope, moving along the various little streams and sniffing the crisp air, then the chilled ground below. "With the scent of plenty other wolves around and finding these willows, maybe it's a good sign to come." Maybe Mother Moon was giving them a clue, guiding them into the direction they need be in order to bring his cousins and son back to them. "This might be a good place as any to settle, gather intel from the locals. If we're in luck they got caught up somewhere around here. Look like a good hunting?" His dark gray eyes scanned between them, only to land on the young woman in their group. Out of the three of them, she had the best luck when it came to the hunt and he trusted her judgement on that.