
sometimes quiet is violent



2 Years
12-04-2020, 08:47 PM
They had left this place with the sttange rocks which was fine with Avella. She remembered how to get there and perhaps she'd return there someday. Their journey had brought them to the ocean which gave her the chance to really see what it was about. They'd found a cave to take refuge in for a little while. It wasn't ideal but it served its purpose well keeping them hide from anyone who might be looking for them. Avella was sure they hadn't gotten away from the Dell without anyone noticing.

Scully and Clouse were inside the little shelter as night started to fall. It was plenty big enough for all three of them on the inside but the masked girl remained just outside. She listened to the waves against the shore. The smell of salt was all around her in the air. Mismatched eyes gazed over the sand into the growing darkness, she was keeping watch even though they'd never spoken of doing so.

It gave her time to think about their situation and what she would do if they were ever caught. She was torn into returning to the lore or staying there and finding out what the new place could offer her. She felt that she'd explored the lore to its fullest and she hadn't found anything to keep her there. She loved her family of course but they had their lives in the ridge. She thought maybe she should think of making her own life somewhere. She wasn't getting any younger after all.

For the time being there were more pressing concerns. Keeping clouse from ending up back in the Dell. Luckily she felt they had gotten enough of a headstart that they might not be found but it was better not to take the risk. However, there was still a lot to consider like the pups education. He needed to learn to hunt and all of the other things that would keep him alive. It was up to her and Scully to teach him but so far it hadn't been going well and she wasn't sure why.

Many things had crossed through her mind as she sat there in the sand. A silent guard over their little group her gaze ready to catch the smallest of movements. That wasn't what caught her attention though. It was the sound of footfalls on sand and fur brushing against rock. Turning her head she saw the figure of the pup emerging from the crevice.

"Going somewhere?" She asked from her position just to the side of the crevice. Her mismatched gazed watched him as she waited for a response.