
sometimes quiet is violent



12-04-2020, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2020, 07:22 PM by Clouse.)
C l o u s e ➶ A r c h e r

The air outside of the cave was colder than within, but the fresh air helped revitalize him after the trial of forcing himself through the makeshift den's entrance. It was one of the few situations that made him thankful he was so much smaller than his cousins, he couldn't imagine having their bulk and trying to shove through the same crevice. As his paws sank into wet sand, his grey eyes first looked to the sky and where it met with the ocean. The sun's light was nearly completely gone, but witnessing those last few shades of pink thrown up into the sky reminded him of the sunsets and sunrises witnessed upon the vessel that had brought them here. The sea had made him sick and it scared him to be without land in sight, but dusk and dawn had been absolutely breathtaking.

Avella's voice broke through the memory's, and Clouse turned to look at the woman settled nearby. Ah, she hadn't gone far, that was good. Clouse hoped. He had to wonder when she was going to start acting like Scully and get tired of him too. A little prayer was said to the Moon Mother above their heads that tonight would not be it as he padded to his cousin's side.

"I was just wondering where you went," he admitted before sitting down, void-black fur mixing with the sand as he did so.

"Um. So do you like. Like it here?"

He didn't know what to say, Clouse just wanted someone to talk over the thoughts in his head, though he earnestly did wonder what Avella's thoughts were on, well, everything. He'd been trying so hard to stay out of their way and not get on their bad side that he hadn't given himself the chance to really get to know either cousin.

Word Count: 305