
bear necessity




4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-05-2020, 10:59 AM
Lachlan didn’t put much stock in his future, he was winging life for the most part now thta he had no stable place to rest his head at night. Wherever the wind took him and brought to him would due. As such he’d given little thought to his future partner or family. He had his father and mother to keep as an example, the two of them cared deeply for each other and he couldn’t imagine them not being together. When his mother had been captured a darkness had fallen over the family and his father. The love between man and woman was obvious, natural, and something that Lach had always assumed hed have.

Now that he sat here, looking up into Tyrian’s deep stormy gaze he wondered if his future would be nothing like what his father and mother had. He couldn’t deny the butterflies inside nor the attraction he had to the handsome King. Those moments they’d shared drunk on the beach would forever be a treasured memory, and even if he was rejected Lachlan wouldn’t be the same.

Silvery blue eyes grew wide at Tyrian’s observation, Lachlan hadn’t used those words in his mind, but essentially they were true. Lach wanted a date with the man. No matter how nervous he felt he liked the way the words fell from Tyrian’s lips. He was sure that his heart would beat out of his pale chest as he told him yes afterwards, and despite himself the boy obviously relaxed. Even as Tyr drew his paw up once more to his brow, not that he needed a reminder of the pounding headache and throbbing of his wound. He would have eagerly attempted a small hunt for the man he wanted to woo.

”I… uh.. Yes, a date.” His ears fell against his skull and he was sure every inch of skin was now bright red. ”I really want to hunt for you but um, maybe you’re right.” The bleeding needed to stop and perhaps a tinge of pain medication would be best before he attempted anymore strenuous activities.