
A new Empire



3 Years
12-06-2020, 02:28 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2020, 02:43 PM by Ramiel.)
It was very clear to Ramiel that whether they found the trio or not a plan for winter needed to be set in place. The last thing he wanted to do was be in a situation where they were scrambling around for food and shelter in the middle of a blizzard. They were in a new place so didn't know what to expect. There also was the fact they didn't have any family run packs to fall back on. He didn't want to see anything happen to any of them if it could be avoided.

The crap he and his brother had seen in their three years was better left unspoken. They hadn't led the lives of angels by any means and speaking for himself he didn't think Ellery should be exposed to it. The Dark Archer let out a barking laugh at Judas' comment. "I think you've got it wrong brother. I think of the two of us its me whose aging more gracefully," he teased right back puffing out his chest arrogantly to emphasize his words.

After the teasing words his thoughts returned to her causing him to go quiet for a moment or two. He wasn't meant to be on this mission this winter. He was meant to be bringing his daughter to meet her grandfather. He wanted to show Skoll the wonderful woman he'd found for himself. That wasn't ever going to happen now.

It wasn't often his brother disagreed with him about anything and he didn't expect it to happen this time. Except Ellery was with them and he wanted to believe she was a sensible girl. Ramiel knew she wanted to find the trio and get back to her mother.

Ramiel moved to keep step with his brother as Judas agreed with his previous words. The surprise came when Ellery also agreed even going on to answer Judas question about the hunting. "If we're going to make this our base of operations it might not be a bad idea to set up a few caches," he commented, "The hunting may seem good now but we don't know what it will be a few months from now."

They'd already been searching months for Scully, Avella, and Clouse. It was reasonable to believe they might be searching for a few more at the very least. The Dark Archers ear swiveled in the princess direction as she spoke. In an odd moment of caring he replied. "I hope we find him before winter too but if we don't we need to be prepared for that. We can hope that it will be milder here especially if we don't find him before winter sets in." If the winter was more mild they would more easily be able to continue their search.
Word count: 463