
buy me a sweater




3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Beevent1K
12-06-2020, 03:54 PM
The air was noticeably chilly as Sunder trotted along, but from experience he knew that as long as he stayed moving he could avoid the shivers. Soon enough the sun would be high in the sky and its rays would beam down and warm his black skin, and then the fear of the cold would be over for the day. Granted, the moment the sun started to slip behind the horizon the cycle of cold would start all over again, but that was a problem for later. For now he was going to enjoy the warmth and focus on the task at hand. One thing at a time.

Sunder stilled as the scent of a wolf reached him. He glanced around in search of it. They were such a mixed bag he wasn't sure he wanted to confront one right now. He glanced back the way he'd come as he deliberated what to do. It almost felt like a tossup. He could go forward and encounter a potentially hostile wolf or he could go back and take his chances with a pack of them. His tongue rasped across his nose as he considered his options. In the end he opted for forward. One wolf versus many; his odds were with the one.

Stepping with caution now, Sunder wove through the Mangrove trees on high alert. When at last his gaze fell up on the wolf he'd scented he froze with one paw raised. Both ears swiveled forward as he eyed the beast. It was a great deal bigger than him, but who wasn't in this strange and overly hairy land? For now he would be silent and simply wait for a reaction. If he was lucky the wolf wouldn't take an interest in him and go on its way. And if he wasn't so lucky? There was no shame in retreat.