
fly away birdie




Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
12-07-2020, 05:31 PM
While greatness was endowed upon them, Thalia did believe that, it was the type of thing that needed to be carefully fostered. While the Abraxas were superior by virtue of simply existing, it wasn't difficult to stray off the path the Fallen God intended for them. Eligos had declared that they needed to orient themselves in a different direction. Their greatness was starting to be questioned by those inclined to spew needless violence wherever they went. That wasn't the Abraxas way - surely they were capable of violence when necessary, but flying off the handle was far from ideal. It wasn't the reputation that they wanted to foster, even if they knew they were capable of it.

"Oh, do you?" Thalia asked with a slight grin. Fostering relations with a neighboring pack was always a good thing, even if it was just one child to another. Perhaps that child Deus spoke of would speak highly of him to their parents. The Abraxas didn't have the best reputation everywhere, and that needed to change... and even the work of one small child could help them toward that goal. "I don't know if they do. I suppose you could say we do, though." For a moment she faltered, remembering that her own fight history hadn't exactly been rife with success.

"I like to remind myself... that with the Fallen God, all things are possible. If we lose a fight, it is simply because that was what He wanted. Sometimes we we must be reminded that we are imperfect, and only with proper guidance and training can become what we are meant to be. I do like to call on Him when I fight though. It helps me focus on the fight, and let everything else fade into the background," she admitted. Her little insight was likely not quite what he'd hoped for, but she hoped he'd take it to heart anyway. "I can show you a trick or two though, if you're interested in a little training," Thalia offered him after a moment of thought. She wasn't quite sure how to train anyone to fight, but she figured she could wing it. Training the future generation of Abraxas was too important.