
A new Empire

Judas I


3 Years
12-07-2020, 08:51 PM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2020, 03:23 PM by Judas I.)
i'll be watching
from the center of the hollow moon

Sure, Judas had a streak with wandering around, but wanting to work, not wanting to play by the rules but alas, he was still here. He would never admit it, but his favoritism for getting into fights made for a good guardian if he only minded the borders regularly and even if he strayed he still did scout, right? He could try to butter his deeds up, sure. In the long run however, it was Nineva who had disbanded their pack and left the Lore. Judas was just lucky enough to have ran into her again because alas, if anything, Ellery's mother was the only one who could make good use of Judas. She had caught the jerk's eye the moment he saw her, still but a yearling.

While the two brothers were in agreement to staying here throughout the winter, Ellery remained silent. If they were lucky, these new lands of lush vegetation and life, would have caught their missing family member's attention and they would find them soon. However even if they did find them like now, it would be a few months before they got back. A few months which just so happened to be the winter season. While Judas didnt mind daring his own capabilities, he wasnt about to try and test his six month old kid.

To his brother's comment on their looks, he snorts. Then again, Ramiel had found himself a girl, as far as he knew, but how fond he was of her was left unspoken. Elle was mentioning the prey, how plenty of smaller food sources would be around but not much larger game, especially seeing as in order to graze in this area they would have to go through quite a bit of wolf territory. Judas nodded silently, listening in to Ramiel mentioning caches to be had. "Yeah, south of the Dell and Lore, hopefully winter wont get bad and herds wont be forced off, prey wont go scarce. But I guess we wont know for sure." Not until it came down to it at least. The winter seemed as though it would be less harsh but as said, he still didnt want to take risks and wouldn't slack off at least when it came to Clouse. The other two were damn well grown enough to know better.

"Guess its settled then." He mentioned on behalf of them all being in agreement to stay here for the time. Whether they ended up finding another place more suitable, at least they would have a hub of sorts to meet back at so they didnt loose one another in their search.  "We should look around, find a good place for a den. These willows are pretty and all but wont be much of any cover when winter hits." He lifted his head higher, sniffing the air and scanning the rolling willow vale.  "I dont much like it, but maybe tomorrow morning we can split up, cover more ground?"

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