
8 rules for dating my teenage (adult) daughter

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-08-2020, 08:25 AM
Life was a lot different these days, Rhyme found joy again. His children brought a light to his life and he found it worth living again. His days of darkness and sorrow were behind him, due to many different factors. Without Samara he was sure that he wouldn’t have made it so far. Those thoughts were always a ghost at the back of his mind, but they were easier to live with now. Life continued on, and there was no bigger truth to that than the man that Poem brought home. His daughters were adults now, and they were moving on to the next steps of her life despite his wish they slow down. They were forced to grow up quickly, but even after everything he was glad to see life finding a way.

He wasn’t forced to wait long before the wolf he sought out appeared before him. Sparhawk was thicker than Rhyme, but they both boasted the same impressive height. Rhyme tilted his head curiously as the man padded forward, a package in his jaws as he offered an almost smile in greeting. Rhyme wasn’t quite sure how to feel about him yet, he didn’t know the man but he couldn’t deny Poem’s infatuation.

As he placed the package down Rhyme greeted him in a friendly tone, despite his obvious intentions with Poem he couldn’t find a reason to give him a cold shoulder. However, if he did hurt his daughter, Rhyme would hold back nothing. ”Thank you for coming, Sparhawk.” He spoke as the gift was gently pushed forward. He hadn’t been expecting this, but it seemed like Sparhawk was fully prepared to meet him. ”I wasn’t expecting this,” he told him outloud before revealing the contents within. ”I suppose you’ve guessed why I called on you.” But he had only barely gotten to the punch line first. ”Thank you for the gift,” he added as blue and lavender eyes inspected the fur and the honey wrapped within. ”If you treat Poem half as well as this I don’t think I can offer any objection to continuing your relationship.” Hopefully he could offer Poem a stable relationship that she could rely on for the rest of their lives and she wouldn’t feel the pain of Rhyme’s mistakes.