
bad hare day



12-08-2020, 09:15 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2020, 11:13 AM by Clouse.)
C l o u s e ➶ A r c h e r

Clouse and Scully had been on a hunt earlier, where the youngster had managed to startle their prey and cost them the game. Per usual, his cousin had been exasperated with him and swore off tutoring the kid on the matter altogether. Clouse hated to ask Avella for things though, he felt she did enough basically having to mother the both of them.

So after bandaging up his injured pride and steeling his determination, the Archer decided to try his paw at hunting rabbit. He didn't want to get his hopes up, at all, but it would be awesome if he could for once get it right and triumphantly take home a fresh kill. Scully would have to respect him for that, maybe even apologize for giving up so early in the day. ... a kid could dream.

He'd chosen to hunt amongst the wildflower field, staying far inland at first in order to steer clear from the cliffside; that was not a fall he wanted to take. However, failure after failure, Clouse found he had to work closer and closer to the sea to find prey not yet scared off by his antics. That was what brought him within sight of the wolf who Clouse could not be sure was actually a wolf. The boy froze in his tracks as his grey eyes realized that yes, those were horns, and the vivid orange throughout his pelt was the fur's color, not some sort of pigmented coating. Along with those unfamiliar features, the guy was simply huge, several inches above Ellery even.

"Ho-holy hell..." he whispered, posture instinctively reflecting submission to the creature that could most certainly eat him for dinner. Had he sensed Clouse yet, was there still time to get the hell out of dodge?

Word Count: 295