

Howl 1


09-08-2013, 09:36 PM

Creme figure swept up sand in pure frustration. His siblings were left behind, and he left on a walk to try and clear his mind. Maybe try and get his thoughts together...He cast an angry glance over his shoulder, brows furrowed and tail sweeping behind him with rage. Ears lied flat upon his skull and gritted teeth were a clear indication of it all. He and his siblings had recently found Song. Their sister they had not seen for some time after she disappeared from their old pack. He had always had mixed emotions about her, ever since she had always been the favorite. She, the only one trained by their mother. The only one that their mother was obsessed with...never giving him, Symphony and Anthem so much as a second glance. Though Song had attempted to be with them, their mother just simply wouldn't have it.

She had always been the favorite, of that he was sure. Anthem could never hold a grudge or hate anyone, he was incapable of such a thing. With his condition especially, the boy was always sweet and innocent. Much like a child learning about the world. Symphony though, had some mixed emotion about Song. Though she was the one that had wanted to go and find her in the first place, and so Howl had followed the two. He, however, wanted nothing really to do with her. He wanted to forget all about her, forget she even existed. But, even that luxury was denied. It would seem as if everyday, they would talk about her. Frustration would seep from his pores, evident in the way he held himself now.

As the steam seemed to blow from his nose, he had found himself caught surprise by a bout of sneezing. Salt air had seeped its way up his nose, and once he realized where he was he would stand straight and glanced around in confusion. How did he end up at the beach? Confused, he guessed he unknowingly made it here with his blind trek of anger. He sat himself upon the sand, tail lying limply behind him as he stared out at the water. As he watched the sun fall to make way for the rising moon and gathering darkness. It wasn't long until he noticed a movement somewhere closer to the water, almost missing it as he thought it was just a shadow. But this particular shadow was much darker. Curiosity would make him rise, making his way over to the creature with audits forward at an angle. The breeze would tug at his coat, and finally he stopped a few paces from the black figure. "Hello?"
