
Dumping Ground




Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-09-2020, 11:50 PM

He hadn't been this way since...well...since he had moved up North with his family. Or...what was left of it, anyway. He wasn't even sure he'd really been this particular way before. He was born closer to the eastern and southern lands, and he supposed the furthest west he'd been was the battlefield. But lately, he'd been feeling pretty glum. He still couldn't get the fact he'd lost in the raid out of his head despite all the training he'd done, and each loss continued to eat away at him since he was a kid. Yeah, he had lost some and won some, but what really ate at him was the fact that he had lost against Theta of all wolves! She was a coward and a cheater. She fought dirty every time, and although he had tried to fight like a real warrior, it seemed to be when his losses came. It was starting to piss him off, and he wondered if the life of a warrior was really for him or...or if he maybe had some other calling out there that he had yet to find. His hunting was subpar, his fighting skills were decent. At least, that was him rating himself. His uncle had said he was one of the hardest working warriors in the pack, but what did that matter if he couldn't secure a win every time? What good did training do if he was just going to keep failing? Maybe he was being too hard on himself. And the fact that he seemed to seclude himself probably didn't help. He couldn't help but compare himself to his littermate, Tsunami, and some of the other warriors. After all, they had all been promoted after the Ashen raid. Maybe he was being a bit ungrateful...after all, he was a Knight. One of the recognized warrior ranks in the pack, just wasn't good enough for him.

So here he was. Walking along the sandy shores of the river that wound through this land, lost in his miserable train of thought. Wondering if he should give up what he had and find something else, or just say fuck it and turn to the side that had been practically begging to come out when things got dark in his head. Under his uncle's influence, he had been able to remain the honorable warrior he was. But deep down, he felt like it was merely a mask he had to wear for the entertainment of others. He felt so confused about who he was, that he didn't even really know himself. Did he ever really though?
