


09-08-2013, 10:13 PM

Myrrhs ears twitched slightly in the direction of what she figured sounded like movement in the sand, on top of this, the noise was getting closer to her. It was hard to depict what exactly was moving towards her over the gentle rhythm of the waves washing lazily over the beach in front of her. Be it another wolf, or simply creature of the water, such as a crab, either way, it mattered not to her, nor did she respond to the movement aside the detection of it. A night like this would be best to remain unspoiled by petty company, or insignificant creatures of the world that were nothing more than prey.

The movement stopped a mere couple tail lengths from her, and she frowned slightly, not quite visible to what had approached her, but she could tell almost immediately it was another wolf. Unfortunately for Myrrh, facing the water had put her upwind for anything behind her, and she cursed herself inside her thoughts for being so careless, to leave herself so noticeable, and vulnerable. She allowed herself to relax, reminding herself that if there had been hostile intent, this wolf wouldn't have been so careless as to approach her in such a manner as to let himself be noticed, and his teeth likely would've been sunk into Myrrhs flesh. Well. There's something positive at least.

A male, huh? she thought to herself as he called out to her in a questioning tone. It annoyed her a little further, fighting hard to keep from snapping back, or rolling her eyes, she turned her gaze almost icily in the direction of the voice. She held a neutral expression as she scanned the male before her, except for her eyes, which she held a dagger-like stare. Why was his hello posed to her in a questioning tone? was it as if she shouldn't be here? or was he merely putting it forth in a curious manner, as if interested by her presence? She nearly giggled at the thought, ridiculous to her, and visibly fought back a smile while continuing to stare almost maliciously. Though company did provide something to do for her, she wasn't sure that this creature was going to interest her in the least. Ah, Well, Might as well say something right?

She chose her tone carefully, noticing the sand around the males feet, as if he'd been swiping at it, it lightly dusted the fur around his paws. Not only this.. he seemed.. tense as if something had angered, or frustrated him recently. No need to spur any further anger, if anything she may need to be cautious, not knowing if any eruption of emotion will be funneled at her. Finally, her lips parted slightly, chiming a soft response for him. "Hello, Yourself" She put forth simply, not having much interest in why he was here, or who he was for that matter. Myrrh would leave it up to the male, whether or not he wished to know anything about her, or present himself. With any luck, he'll decide she isn't worth the effort, or time, and move on. Though with it being night time, this didn't seem to be the case, nobody really schedules to be anywhere, or do anything at this hour. Which brought the question of why the male was here to begin with to Myrrh. She was surprised, to be curious, but dismissed the thought almost immediately, continuing to glance over the male with a slightly softened gaze.
