
wonkey donkey



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
12-10-2020, 10:34 PM

Viper wouldn't catch on to any slight annoyance or just the brute's dumbfoundedness towards her illogical comment. But instead of honestly or brutally correcting her he would just go on with his goal. Unfortunately there wasn't a way for Viper to say thank you if she was even willing to considering he had completely ignored the unintentional mix up.

Without another word, she'd go to follow him. Though Viper was usually pretty outspoken regardless of her less than intelligent attitude, her days leading after Fireside had made her grow a little more cold and want to go without word. It had all come down on her at once that she didn't know all she thought she did and her disappoint towards Jupiter beat her tiny little heart to death it seemed. Nothing she would admit or want to talk about.

Her pace picked up as Hattori's did, and she kept up pretty well despite her small size and at the time weaker body. She wasn't used to the chase anymore, she had been locked in a pit after all. She was also more used to taking down deer or smaller prey opposed to a fat ass. She would only glance towards her hunting comrade before veering off just slightly to take over the left side of the donkey, though she wasn't really well versed with just waiting for it to lose it's energy or stamina to go in for the kill. She would catch on rather quickly though as the donkey started to slow slightly especially from it's panic away from it's herd before their pursuit.

She'd continue to move forward, staying steady along the donkey's hip and then up around the shoulder with a quick look towards the blotched male, hoping that their minds were in the same place to cut it off and take it to an end. Who knew she could be so good at teamwork? But instead of going forward on her own, she would wait until Hattori would make his move in a hidden fear that she didn't want to mess things up.

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