
Color Me Amazed!




Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-11-2020, 11:05 PM

Bowen couldn’t see it of course under the hat but Outlaw couldn’t help the silent laughing grin on his face as the hat swallowed her head.  Yup, it was too big.  However, there was something cute about small pups swallowed by big items.  After a second he reached over to gently pluck the hat back.  With a clearly well-practiced arch of his head, the hat swung up from his mouth to land on his head.  Another second was taken as he tilted his head to one side then the other until he felt the hat was in just that right spot.  “There we go.”

Outlaw glanced at Bowen, “I’d offer to try and make you something but you’ll just grow out of it fast right now.  If you want a hat when you are a bit bigger we can see what we can find.  I’m pretty good at making stuff, though I can’t make anything quite as fine as this.” His eyes rolled up as if he could see the whole hat versus just a bit of the brim. “Not sure how something this good is made and I really wish I did know.”  Maybe someday he’d figure it out.

“Anyway, c’mon I think it just gets better.”  That said Outlaw picked up his pace as the vibrant grass quickly started to show off its great array of flowers of more colors than Outlaw had ever before spied.  His own tail was flagging back and forth fast at the sight.  “This place is great!” He spotted a good number of plants he knew about now thanks to listening to some of the healers in the hallows however, there were numerous plants he didn’t know that also seemed to be here. “I’m gonna take some of these back.  I don’t even know what all of these are.” His glance turned down to Bowen, “Whatcha think?”

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think

Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby