
Choosing a gift



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-12-2020, 01:28 AM

Rudy had put some deep thought into how to help his new friend and adopted sister.  He couldn’t begin to understand her sense of fear but it was a troubling thing.  Being open to just Rudy or Rudy and all his other siblings wouldn’t be enough.  He wanted her to feel safe with everyone here but, admittedly he wanted her to feel perfectly safe around him.  The motley grey pup had never really shown any concern for his siblings to this extent but he knew even if some were quieter they were still fine.  The fear he had felt in Tika had just felt wrong through his every fiber.  How could someone else's fear be so palpable to him?  He had to save her from herself.

Playing and talking with her would surely help, right?  Rudy had found himself a nice spot to spy from earlier so he could think.  If anything interesting happened he should be well hidden to listen in but little attention was given right now to the hiding.  It was probably some of the best hiding he had ever done!  His brain had focus inward on a serious topic that kept his tail from wagging or his body from squirming.  How long did he spend there?  Not long enough to spy on anyone but long enough that he started to feel his mouth get dry after a time.

His final decision was that he should try and get her a gift.  Maybe showing he thought of her would help her realize how serious he was about wanting to help her?  Now he could easily come up with ideas of what to give a gift to his sisters but this was somehow different.  He’d just grab whatever was lying around and sell it as a well thought out gift to give one of them.  He wanted something that really said he cared.  Once more he was following his gut and it assured him this was important even if he couldn’t fully understand his own logic.

In the end, he would have to ask a girl what would be most meaningful to a girl.  Bowen had met Tika already so that meant not only would she know what girls liked in general but she might have a good idea for Tika also.  Well, maybe asking his sister for advice would make her happy also?  Rudy did love his sisters but tended to follow the assumption they should know that so he didn’t need to express it much.  

With his decision made he would head towards the areas Bowen tended to be at most often.  He wouldn’t pounce her, she wouldn’t find it nearly as fun as Art did and right now he didn’t want to upset her for sure.  You don’t upset the wolves you are about to ask advice from, even sisters.
