
What's a Slipper?



The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-12-2020, 09:30 AM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2020, 09:53 AM by Bowen.)
As the trio made their way across the land, Bowen had a hard time focusing. Everything was just so new! There were so many things to see and touch and smell... it was complete overload. She and her sister bounced around Indigo, although she did quite a bit more bouncing. She chalked that up to her small stature and the easiness with which she could bounce. The land changed the further they went and this kept her attention somewhat, though she found herself wandering away from the group more than once.

Ears perked as Indigo began to speak. He'd never found one? Oh... that wasn't good. What were their odds then? Bowen gave a little pout, but seeing the determination on Gwyn's face perked her up a bit. Yeah, okay. They would find it! They wouldn't stop until they did! They would find so many lady slippers that the Hallows would never need to look for them again.

In the distance she saw the hanging trees, but didn't realize quite what they were until they came up close.  Walking between the massive, sprawling trees made the girls jaw drop. She released a "Woooooooooow..." of awe and tripped over one of the roots in the process. Bowen landed on her chin with a thump. Thankfully she'd tucked her tongue away so that she didn't bite it off. With a frown, Bowen got back to her little dark paws. She gave her body a shake to rid it of dirt, then leaped forward a few paces to catch up with Indigo again.

Bowen had just opened her mouth to ask Indigo a question when she heard Gwyn shriek. Instinctively, the caramel cream girl hunkered close to the ground, ears tucking against her skull. She knew her limitations. If something was attacking, she would be no help. It would be best to get out of the way and let Indigo take over. She did turn her head in her sisters direction and just happened to see the frog hop out from beneath the willow. It took her a minute for her heart to stop hammering, and by the time it did, the tiny child had dissolved into laughter.  "Wow, Gwyn. I thought something was trying to eat you." She was incredibly glad that nothing had tried to hurt her sister.

Now that they were there, it was time to start looking, right? "Okay," she piped up. "Mom said it's pink and white. The petals are rounded. There's a weird sack beneath the rest of the flower." She made it a point to stay within eyesight of Indigo, but the girl peeled away to begin looking around the bases of the trees. She found a few weird mushrooms, but hadn't yet found any flowers. She didn't find any frogs either, but she did see a few dragonflies chasing one another. Why couldn't they have lived here? These trees were super neat. She really liked them. They could have built dens beneath them and had tons of pri...primacy. Primacy?

Total- 1839
[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]