
Colors In The Water


09-09-2013, 12:21 AM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2013, 12:23 AM by Liberty.)

Those baby blue eyes never left his hypnotizing gaze, even when his head tilted toward the side they stuck like glue. Long lashes batted slowly as she stared back into what could be considered a mirror. She was so starstruck she couldn't get herself to look away. No wonder other wolves stared into the depths of her eyes when they first met. Blue was a marvelous color, especially on this boy, and apparently, herself. His gaze danced with delight, and if it wasn't for the constant fear in the back of her mind hers would be dancing too- only they never danced anymore. A smile was already a big accomplishment for her, especially since this boy sounded, and sorta looked, like her mother. She could hear his tail thumping against the ground, and despite her attempt at self control hers was gracefully swaying from side to side behind her. She wanted to relax, rest her rump on the ground and sit with the man, but the bitter anxiety kept her from totally relaxing. After all, Isardis seemed friendly at first, and look how that went? She hand't totally learned her lesson yet, but the least the could do was keep her guard up this time.

His lips curled into a smile, and she could practically feel the laughter that vibrated within his chest. If only she could come closer. She wanted to figure out this new feeling, and she wanted to figure it out with him. He seemed to be enjoying her company, and he hadn't turned into a freak yet, so maybe he was having the same feelings? She continued to study him, savoring every word that came from his maw. She noticed his playful wink and the way his eyes stuck on hers. "I'll stick around for as long as you want me to." His words rang throughout her mind. Did he really mean that? Would he really stay here with her? Would he help her figure out this weird feeling she had in the pit of her stomach? Only time would tell. After all, actions speak louder than words. For a moment she almost missed his next set of words with her thinking. Her name? He wanted her name? Her right ear tipped back as her mind screamed a warning. Isardis had asked the same thing, and with the little bit of information she had given, he had managed to go after her. What if this boy was the same way? Breath exhaled lightly as she momentarily thought this over. Acting on impulse had gotten her into trouble last time, so at least this time, she would think before acting. After a few seconds, all she managed to say was "Liberty... Liberty Sovari." Her tone was hesitant, but she had decided that she would give him the benefit of the doubt and allow him to know her name.
