
What's a Slipper?




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

12-12-2020, 10:42 AM
The girls were nearly bursting with energy as he took them towards the willows. He wondered more than half way through if he had ever been so energetic. Had he and his siblings been like this? Looking back now he wasn’t so sure, it felt like they had all grown up much faster than a normal puppy should. Bowen and Gwyn were innocent little flowers and he wondered when that sweet innocence had died in him. When Sirius had found he and Aslatiel together? Indy tried not to give the thought much merit, but he would vow to do what he could to keep these precious pups as puppies for as long as possible.

He couldn’t help his grin as he felt even older than he was watching the pups take in the beautiful willow trees for the first time. Indy wasn’t sure he’d ever been so enchanted. He lost himself in thoughts of the past, when times were simpler and life wasn’t nearly so complicated. The memories hinted and suggested feelings he hadn’t embraced in a very long time, but even they weren’t enough to catch him off guard. Gwyn’s little squeal brought the massive purple young man to her side. Ears erect and his attention on anything that might cause his charges harm. Indy was willing to give up his life for them, and it was an odd feeling.

Thankfully he wouldn’t have to worry about going that far as a frog was not any danger to a couple of rowdy pups. ”Don’t let a frog push you around like that.” Indy chuckled lightly as he offered a paw to the doused pup to help her back to her feet. Bowen wasn’t about to let them forget their mission, and even though the three of them had a nice little scare she piped up again.

”Hmm, pink and white shouldn’t be too difficult to spot.” Or tey shouldn’t have been. The willow trees and their long branches concealed anything behind them, so they were going to have to scour the woods to have a chance at finding them. ”They’ll probably be somewhere wolves don’t often go. If you find some thicker brush make sure to look carefully.” He told the girls as he essentially let them go free. He’d keep a close eye on Bowen and Short Round the badger would stay close to Gwynevere just in case.

total 2247

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.