
My Secret Garden



09-09-2013, 02:22 AM
Eyes traveled over the male's frame. He was ordinary in looks but non-the-less handsome. His appearance was soft to the eyes, making her feel relaxed. Nothing stood out to make her weary of him. His green orbs roaming over her did not go unnoticed. At once she felt flushed and hot. Not many males had looked at her like that, or at least none she knew of. She could not help but like the russet tone of his fur. It seemed she was attracted to that color in males.Eyes blinked a few times as she realized her thoughts. She would need to clear those thoughts or she was sure he would be able to scent her peak of interest. She did not have time to flirt with males. But yet, she wished she could spend more time with others opposite of her gender. She was young yes but mature enough to be interested in males.

And yet she had to force herself in refusing. She had a task at hand to take care of. Nothing could stand in the way of that. Internally she sighed heavily. He replied back and she smiled. But his wincing did not go unnoticed by her sharp eyes.But before she could ask he told her his name with a grand bow. Again she felt that waves of heat rush over her. "Waterfalls are very beauiful indeed." She paused to look up at the falls for a moment before looking back at him. "I am Symphony Destruction." She added then tail wrapped around her while one foreleg reached out, the other tucked under her as she bowed gracefully back. A smile lit her features as she straightened back up. "May I something bothering you? I could not help but notice you wince..." She explained as she stood up to move closer. Slowly she reach her muzzle forwards to sniff him. He seemed well enough, healthy actually.