Words Are Hard
12-12-2020, 03:12 PM
Gossamer wasn't surprised when the other girl said she was going to be a warrior. She felt a little jealous of Dag's focus on one discipline instead of being strung out between two. As Gossamer worked the smell of peppermint wafted into the air. She grinned at the smell. Taking her water flask she poured a pint of water into the bowl that would make her tea and then a little bit into the bowl for the poultice. It was just enough to moisten the leaves. She scooted both bowls toward the fire. Gossamer wanted the tea to at least get to a simmer but as soon as the poultice mixture was warm she retrieved it from the fire and mashed it up into a paste which she'd show Ásta in order for the fox to judge how well she did. Then she could tuck it away for some pranks later on.