
Toxicity Klein Abraxas x Hyacinth Aracari AND Hyperion Aracari



4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
12-12-2020, 09:03 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2020, 05:10 AM by Arne.)
Name: Modesty Abraxas
Sex: Female
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Skills: Fighting and Intellect
Height/Build: Dire (44”) Medium for design 1, heavy for design 2

Like a night sky painted with Aurora flames, the dark base coat of the girl is flecked through with spots of white, standing out like stars on a moonless night. A small white blaze passes down between two eyes of blue, a golden ring around each iris setting them apart as if hand-painted by something divine. Purples, pinks and blues run together fluidly, seeming to shift with each movement the young Abraxas makes. The waves of colour break into brindle at the edges, much like her mother’s own muted markings, but they stand out starkly against the black of her base coat. Despite her height, the girl is light on her feet, her measurements proportional, much like her father before her, she moves with a dancers grace.


Seen front on, and from a distance, the girl might seem like any other, dark of coat with white marking her front paws and tail, but as you draw closer, the vivid rims on her ears and smattering of pinks and purples around her evocative green eyes would become more apparent. A slash of colour runs up each flank, a gradient of pinks and purples, marking her as something other. Her great height is only further emphasised by the heaviness of her steps, deliberate in her movements and unafraid of being heard. Her head is most often held high, indicating that others should know when she is coming and adjust their path accordingly, less the young behemoth steamroll right over them.

Personality: Despite first impressions, with her large size and flashy coat, one might almost think the girls name fitting. Quiet and cunning, the child picks her battles carefully. Modesty abhors lying, and is very prideful of her honesty. A falsehood will never pass her lips, though she will never correct someone for assuming other than what she has said. This is most often seen in her handling of others, allowing their own imaginations and assumptions to further whatever cause she has chosen to champion on that particular day. The Abraxas is careful to not openly rock the boat, though it would never be beyond her to throw a sibling overboard for the sake of her own advancement, or the betterment of the bloodline. She takes her mother’s teachings to heart and holds exceptionally high standards for herself that she expects others to adhere to as well. Loyal to her destiny, she will support those who have earned her support, and look to cast out those who fail to strive to be more.

Plot Ideas: I fully anticipate at least one rant about the limitations of this damn mortal flesh prison.

Purchases: Can afford extra pup from credits, will make donation for dire/markings, playing with possible mutation, maybe cat claws or quills (will depend on how my pay comes in lol)
[Image: Arne-Chibi1.png]