
If I'm Not Strong



The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
12-13-2020, 07:07 PM
"Pups?" Sota perked up almost instantly, looking surprised. Maybe he had noted her weight gain, but he hadn't paid much mind to it at all - it wasn't his place anyway. "Congratulations," he offered, glancing back her way with a gentle smile. Pups were always a good thing, as far as he was concerned. It wasn't something he himself thought he was ready for anytime soon, but he was glad that they'd have more pups running around... or so he hoped. She confirmed she'd be coming back, which meant her pups would too. "Well, I wish you a safe birth and I look forward to meeting them." Really, Sota loved children and the prospect of more running around The Hallows sounded good to him. He didn't mind looking after them and giving them guidance where he could; at the very least it gave him something to do, and he was content to keep busy as much as possible these days.

He smiled at her thoughtful words. She was probably twice his age, and had a lot more life experience, but he could relate to how she felt - even if just in his own way. "I understand that myself. I'm hoping the same for me." At the very least, it was a thought worth exploring. He couldn't possibly go home now after so much time away, and likewise the thought of roaming aimlessly for a purpose seemed like a waste of time. Maybe he was exactly where he was meant to be. Once that thought had stuck with him, he was having a hard time releasing it. This world was different than the one he'd been born into. The Songa had emphasized self-preservation and honor. The importance of raiding and theft had been stressed, though Sota found himself wondering if a different sort of life might be more meaningful to him. Sure, when he was in a better condition he could steal a meal out from someone's nose before they knew what was happening, but what did that matter? All that stuff seemed wildly unimportant when you had a group willing to work to support one another, and he'd never cared much about honor anyway. So long as he was being the best version of himself and being kind to those around him, he found himself not really caring about much else.

He watched as she gathered another plant, sneaking forward to give it a little sniff. Having noticed some a few yards back, he directed himself back that way and gathered a few flowers for her, hoping he was harvesting them properly. "I never thought I'd fit in here - not in the Hallows, but this whole world. When I first came here, I was terrified. Everyone was so big. I felt like a child living among giants," he admitted as he headed back over to her, gingerly dropping the flowers at his forepaws for a moment. He'd been only a yearling then, if he was remembering right, and everything had been so unknown. How quickly that had changed. "All the wolves I grew up with were small. Even you'd be considered a giant among them," he let out a chuckle at the thought. Having met many wolves much larger than Aranea, the thought was a laughable one, but it was true. And though that scary newness had faded, he found himself no less enthralled with the wonders of the world the more he traveled and learned - even the hot springs had been quite the find for him, nothing like he'd ever experienced before.

Words: 592
Total: 2,423

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!