
as we collide



6 Years
09-09-2013, 01:21 PM

Azalea had been so blissfully unaware of her proximity to a scrap with Argent. The large female could likely overpower her easily. The peppers male with blue eyes was on his teeth as well, demanding the Valhallan's control their children. This was enough to leave her jaw gaping open in the offense she took to being called a child.

There was a horrible cry then, breaking her concentration and causing her to flinch back. It was Isardis, Chrysanthe's jaws coming away ripe with blood. Had she done it? Had she removed the male of his rights to breed?

No. Her teeth had landed elsewhere but the damage done seemed tenfold, blood gushing like water from a geyser. The smell of iron swamped her senses. "Well - aren't you going to help your king?!" Chrysanthe demanded and Azalea looked at her aunt with admiration. She didn't think if she were in her place that she could feel such compassion for life. If Azalea were the one to have inflicted that wound, she would have wished a cold lonely grave upon the bastard.

Chrysanthe spoke on, bidding Argent and the other Glaciem wolves to stand down and give up the fight. Chrys motioned from wolf to wolf. If things went south Cromalin would take the peppered male and Azalea would take the dark female he clung to. Would this be how it went? Azalea knew better than to wish for a fight but she wouldn't complain if she got to claim a pound of flesh for herself. She re-positioned herself, her legs spread and slightly bend, ready to rush forward. An ear tipped to her leader and kin, waiting for the signal to either make a move or head for home.