
A new Empire



3 Years
12-14-2020, 09:17 PM
The Dark Archer would much rather return to one of the packs run by his family. He wouldn't need to worry about such things since the pack would have already taken care of it. It wasn't that he didn't know how it was that he didn't particularly like to. Now whether any of them liked it or not they didn't have a choice in the matter especially when they didn't even know what the winter would be like. They had to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

Ramiel listened as his brother spoke of the same hopes that he had of the winter time come. Some else that they could hope for was finding their three family members before the really cold weather hit. They could all hunker down there in the Grove. It would mean more mouths to feed but their force would be bigger. It would allow them to bring down bigger prey more often. "No we won't know for sure," he agreed with his brother, "We may get lucky and the herds won't go scarce because they are used to living in the winters." That was probably a long shot but this land was different and the animals might be different too.

Judas went on to say that they needed to look around for a place that would provide them good shelter. Ramiel nodded at his brother's words. "As much I would like to stay among the willows you are correct. They won't provide us much shelter. A cave or abandon den might serve us better. We'll need something that can give us and the others shelter too." They needed to plan for more in case they were able to find them an persuade them.

"I don't like it much either brother but we have to do what is necessary and time is running out." The last thing he wanted to do was split up but they didn't know how winter worked.

His silver gaze turned on Ellery as she spoke. "I think that's a good plan princess. Doesn't matter. At least we won't go hungry," he told her trying to be as encouraging as he was capable of. "We can meet here, discuss what we find over the fine dinner Elle will surely catch us?"

Word count: 382