Novel and Dutiron had their first litter rather early into their marriage, however rather than bring them closer as they had indeed hoped, it had driven them and even their young further apart. As many in their pack Ahlon soon realized it was not a move for success with Song and Novel eventually fighting and their future leader suddenly leaving the pack. Distraught and shocked by the incident, something happened to bring the broken family back together. Perhaps in an attempt to actually do things right this time, Dutiron and Novel had another litter of pups following. Perhaps age had also helped Novel to calm, as well as the fear she would lose another child for this second litter had far less expected of them, none had to cope with the favoring of one sibling, nor did one have any of the pressure that Song had been subjected to.
Story Destruction is the last character available from the NovelxDutiron litters so come and get him everyone! Kat and I would like for Story to be open to the thought of Gods and also devoted to the family. The second litter were brought up a lot closer than the first so we want someone who'll keep that in mind. Aside from that a large portion of the character's personality is up to you.
Name: Personality: History: RP sample: If you decided not to use the history for this, there is no word count