
What Changes May Come

Council Meeting



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-15-2020, 04:47 PM

Ulric was glad when Resin got straight to the point of the meeting - not that he expected anything less. She was never one to go on and on with pleasantries which was something he always appreciated about her. He have her a soft smile and a thankful dip of his head when she declared that the wolves she had gathered here would be her council. He certainly wasn't surprised by any of the choices though he wasn't completely familiar with the healer that had come to join them last. The ban on any further litters in the pack also didn't surprise him though he did feel a bit guilty about fathering one of the litters that had put them in such a state. He certainly hadn't intended for he and Azariah to have children of their own until he was able to branch out into his own pack, but that wasn't the cards that life had dealt for them. Azariah and Tamsyn both had given birth to surprisingly large litters and that combined with the orphans that they had taken in as well... there were more tiny paws around here than there was anything else.

The news that she planned on moving their pack come spring made his brows lift with surprise, but he could understand the reasoning. With so many packs in such a tight space it had certainly begun to feel a bit tight. It was easy to see why so many packs would want to live here in this area since there was so many hospitable lands in this small area, but it had begun to feel a bit claustrophobic. He was a bit disappointed about moving further away from the Mangroves and the fact that they had put in so much effort to build up the dens and such here, but... they had to meet the needs of the pack first and foremost and if that meant moving away to a space that was less crowded then that's what they would need to do.

The wolves of the group spoke up one by one to voice their agreements and comments about the new rules and plans, his silver eyes shifting from one to the other to listen. When the question of where they might move came up the gears in his mind began to turn. He was sure someone like Resin would have already had some kind of plan in place for this question, but he couldn't help but think of the places that he passed on his many trips between Auster and Boreas when he was tending to his sister and mother. After Lúta mentioned a couple of suggestions in Boreas, Ulric finally spoke as well. "If you're really wanting space away from the other packs, it might be worth searching even further south... I've spent a good amount of time in Auster and that land is far less inhabited than Boreas is and I know of several places that might make for a good home."
