
Looking like a high I wanna be on

Ares 1


09-09-2013, 04:59 PM

He could see shock upon her features but that didn't mean it registered in him. His stare was quite blank as she moved to console him, "Ares." her dark muzzle pressed into the side of him. A single ear would twitch to her direction, the only reaction she would get to her voice. He was alive, for the most part. It was slightly odd when the she wolf would make herself fall in beside him. As she made herself comfortable he would make the effort to shift his gaze so he could see her. Head still firmly on the ground his eyes would catch her face. Uncertainty would have been plainly written on his own, but numbness was all he could muster. Was she offering him her comfort?
He could feel the gentle lap of her tongue on his weary shoulders, the motion bringing him through enough for the confusion to register within his mind. She was being so gentle and so.. genuine to him of all wolves. He and Artemis had been rather callous and cruel at their last meeting. He was so weak now, with the tables turned she had every right to mock him. But no, here she was offering him comfort of everything. Lavender eyes would leave their gaze upon her His head would rise slowly from the earth, hardly making it more than a few inches from its original place of rest. A slight tilt would emerge as the confused emotion was portrayed.
Instead of waiting for a reply or even saying a word he would just let his head rest once more, not upon the dry earth but instead on Devya's paws. When he felt like there was no one in the world for him, she had let her light shine for him. An odd feeling would find its way into his chest, and he was uncertain how to take it.
