
Drop on by



09-09-2013, 05:31 PM
Everything seemed to happen somewhere else. She knew Howl came in snarling, the look on Novella's face, Song's greeting, but it as Anthem. It was her brother that snapped her back into life.The whole time she felt blank, unable to look anywhere else but at Song. Anthem's whimper had her ears twitching. At once the need to care and calm things down overrode her other emotions.Turning to her brother she nosed Anthem softly, comforting him before stepping up next to Howl. Her shoulder pressed firmly against him. Eyes turned to Song and she took a deep breath. "'s been a long time...why..why did you never come back to just visit? Was it not bad enough what had happened with the relation we all had with mother? The stress we grew up with? And how you leaving and never coming back...Honestly Song it was a sort of a relief. Though things did not change much. Do not blame us for our...actions." She paused for a moments to glance at Novella "No questions Nov...we will talk later. I hope you told mother and father you were leaving too..."She said firmly but warmth lit her eyes at her younger sister.

For a moment she did not know what else to say to Song."Song..alot of things have been..left on bad terms between us all. With you leaving us the emotions did not...heal. Give us time..." She said softly. With that she stepped forwards after licking Howl's cheek to calm him, she stood before her sister. How often had she had seen her sister as the dominate one of the litter. But things had changed. Howl was the dominate one. But Symphony had always remianed in the same position. Always suborinate to her siblings but Anthem. For Anthem and her were the same. She saw no rank difference between them. So standing before her sister she almost licked her chin but instead she licked her forehead in a comforting motion."So...I do believe you will need for formally introduce your pups to us.." She whispered with a small smile.