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High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-16-2020, 04:33 PM

Rudy’s focused gaze skimmed the water, stepping close to the edge a paw dipping in to nudge little rocks this way and that to see what mystery might be below them. Sparkly.  Sparkly.  Grey surely wasn’t sparkly.  There was a flat black one Rudy thought was kind of cool looking though it wasn’t shiny? Using Lying down so he stretch farther he managed to pull in the rock.  Rudy of course couldn’t have liked one closer to the shore, right?  Still, he hadn’t gone in the water and only got on the very edge, “This one isn’t shiny but its really smooth and the black is super dark, is that good?”

Bowen was easy enough in his mind to get something for.  He’d just find something different and bright and assume she’d like it.  There was no limit to tree or feather or oddity in his mind, it just had to look different and even if he didn’t always get the best thing it still showed he tried.  That was how he’d hunt for his sister though and this was Tika who was sis instead of sister.

Mom with weapons made sense but Tika definitely didn’t seem the sort to want weapons.  Mama liked flowers?  Would Tika like flowers?  Rudy’s brow furrowed as he tried to imagine if that would be right but then Bowen came up with a better idea!  “That’s great Bowen! I’ll find her a great fur!  Something super soft, and It’ll be just for her!” Yup, Rudy had found an idea he liked for latching onto.  Rudy flattened his ears back at Bowen’s variation of their mom, “Heyyy, did she really say that?  I’m not dumb enough to get washed downstream. You don’t think I’d really do that, do you?” She got a hopeful look before looking back into the river at all the different rocks.
