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Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
12-16-2020, 05:00 PM

Kichi had been out playing with his water deer when the strange wolf had been passing through.  So when Iza called out to the bush it was not a wolf stepped out but a small deer, not even 2ft in size, with small fangs poking out from between its lips.  It’s ears swiveled forward watching the wolf without much concern.  Kichi stepped out from a tree a bit farther back heading towards his deer and now this stranger, appearing equally curious.  The deer certainly did have the smell of a wolf to him, for as much as he was the playmate of one.

The pup was about 6 months old, he had lost the floofyness of a pup's coat and looked more like a small gangly youth with a grey coat and white markings.  Along his cheek started a bit below the eye and curving up was a fresh slash mark that had closed over but was still in the process of healing.  There was a mix of curiosity and caution in his gaze but certainly not fear.  “I know you’re here too,” the boy said with half-hearted cheer, the caution still in his tone.  So he might have not known the wolf was there till he spoke, but he knew now.

For any wariness, he had there was a sense of confidence in his stride as he got to where the deer was but didn’t come closer.  It was nice of the other wolf to lay down and he recalled a time he would have charged over to the stranger with more curiosity.  Life taught lessons the hard way to those who would not take gentler warnings.  “This is my part of the forest, watcha doing around here?”  Ok so technically Kichi had no claim to this forest but he liked the sound of it and was aiming for the tough guy attitude, however, the question had some more of the puppy curiosity pitched in it.  Sometimes it was hard to be tough and distant looking when there was something new to see was one of those times.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think