



09-09-2013, 06:25 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2013, 06:32 AM by Epiphron.)

"Ahhhhhhh." The man inhaled deeply, and as he exhaled he couldn't help the happy moan that came along with it. He loved the smell of his little plants, especially when they were ripe. Being a healer he naturally loved to try out herbs, experimenting was just something a good healer knew how to safely do. Only when he came across this particular plant, he became hooked. The way it relaxed his body was addicting, it made him feel like he was vibrating from his very core when he ingested enough. It wasn't overpowering to where he couldn't function, but it was enough to make the man feel good. His senses greatly enhanced, he became much more cautious, and hell, he could stare at a tree and be entertained for hours. The bird squirrels made him laugh even when they weren't doing anything, and it was great. Sure, time seemed to drag by, but there was never a dull moment when he was enjoying his little buds.

His eyes squinted as he examined the buds on one of his plants. He had yet to tell anyone about them, because honestly he wasn't sure how they would feel about it. Especially Gerhardt or Maverick. As far as he was concerned he wasn't causing anyone else harm, so why tell them? His plants were out of sight, and unless someone came close enough to smell them, it was like they weren't there. Peach colored eyes rolled over one little bud in particular. It had so many crystals, and mixed in with the green were beautiful purple and orange streaks. It was a marvelous plant for sure, hell, he could barley contain himself from eating the entire thing! It was ripe, and practically calling his name, but he would refrain from devouring them all- one bud was enough to get him on a good level. Tongue curled around the large nug, and with a tug he pulled it away from the plant. He chewed it steadily, and then swallowed. With a happy sigh he sat down on his rump, waiting for it to kick in.

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