


09-09-2013, 07:09 PM

She hoped he was remembering every counter move she gave. It was as important, if not more so, to remember moves that opponents used and to accommodate one's own style to fit those maneuvers. That was perhaps the most essential thing she intended to teach him, that and the fact that actions have consequences and moves have counters. These things he would have to know, accept, and use in order to be a phenomenal warrior.

But she couldn't very well explain all of that in the heat of battle.

She would focus in, feeling her heart beating hard and fast on her folded front limbs. Most of it was adrenaline, but there was something else there, something primal.. something exciting. As her jaws sought his limb, her ears would tuck protectively and her eyes narrowed until she could just barely see out of them. There was a flash of pearly whites, and then another as his own incisors delved down toward hers. She barely caught this movement in her emerald stare, and didn't honestly have time to react to it, at least not totally. In an effort to teach him something, Sendoa would twist her head at just the right angle to bring his fangs down onto the side of her own. Their jaws clashed like the antlers of great elk, jarring her back considerably and completely diverting her attack upon his leg. Her head careened away from his leg and into open air, forcing her to scrunch her neck to avoid her muzzle being plowed into the earth beneath her.

Now was her chance, and she took it. Instantaneously she would raise herself back onto her paws, her hind limbs rising first in order to ensure that, if he moved forward (as she almost expected him to do) while she was getting up, she wouldn't fall as a result. She brought her head back into line with her spine, a low growl in her throat almost daring him to prove something to her.
