
Honey, I'm Home!

for Theory



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
12-16-2020, 08:10 PM
Thalia could relate, though above all else she worried for her family's place in the eyes of the Fallen God. It sometimes felt impossible to properly interpret his signs - and what even was or wasn't a sign at all. Malleus's death had clearly been a sign to her, but Aureus's seemed less likely to be one. The Fallen God was all-powerful, but even He was sometimes a victim to the pulls of fate, which was precisely why He'd been exiled in the first place. Beyond that, she worried for the well being of her family and for Aerie, for her missing brother, and lastly... for Theory, more often than she cared to admit. Perhaps not while she'd been gone - her mind had been rightfully occupied - but often enough. Arriving in Abaven helped soften those worries, but they were ever-present still. What was most worrisome of all was what precisely she felt for Theory, and lastly what it ultimately meant. To her family, to her God. It seemed impossible to reconcile, as hard as she tried, but the beauty of being here was that she was allowed to forget it. At least for now, even if not forever.

Thalia let out a slow exhale of a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding as Theory nudged her chin toward her. "I'll try. But Fel came suddenly, and..." Her words disappeared into nothingness as Theory placed a kiss upon her cheek, her thought disappearing into the early morning mist. She was still for a long moment, drowning in her own frantic thoughts. "What would your pack think, if they saw you like this with me?" The question had an air of playfulness to it, though she was being quite serious - whatever this was. "Their leader, fraternizing with an Abraxas?" She needed to break down precisely what Abaven as a whole thought about her family, from the lowliest member to the highest. Thalia needed to know that she didn't constantly have to be watching her back here. While Theory was plagued with worries of the well-being of her members, Thalia would be kept awake wondering if someone was concocting a plan to eliminate her entirely. Despite these thoughts, she returned the kiss with a gentle lick to the corner of Theory's mouth, wishing her heart wasn't beating quite so quickly all of a sudden.