
Colors In The Water


09-09-2013, 07:32 PM

Cool liquid pools would close as his features were graced with another grin. This time, from learning the name of the girl he stood with. "So, your name is Liberty eh? Nice to...finally know your name." His face would easily change to an open mouthed grin, tongue dangling slightly and his tail wagging more. He noticed hers seemed to relax, swaying in time with his. He would stand, tilting his head farther to the side so that he could reach his ear for a scratch. He took a couple steps back he then lowered the front half of his body and stretched with his rump in the air, tail still wagging. "You...don't talk much do you?" He raised himself once more, taking on a more formal air as he sat neatly in his place.

"I don't mean it to come off as rude or anythin' but...I remind you of someone, don't I? Or at least, something terrible must've happened...I notice small things, I can see it in your eyes. I won't hurt you, you know. I promise I wouldn't, and if I didn't keep my promises then I'd be among the lowest of the cheaters and the liars. You can trust me. And if you don't believe me, then I don't blame you. We've hardly met after all. I don't expect you to tell me anythin'"

Words of truth and sincerity fell sweetly from pearlescent lips. Whether she trusted him now or not, he would do what he could to gain her trust. Black tipped ears swayed slightly with the breeze, the air carried with it Liberty's sweet scent towards him. But with it, he could scent hints of underlying distress among other things, and figured that there were deeper and darker things within the fae then he realized. He only hoped that with time, she would allow him in and allow him to protect and treat her underlying wounds. Little did he realize that he was slowly and subconsciously falling for her. He had never fallen for anyone before, and din't know the feeling. He was still very young, so to know such feelings was like one trying to figure out how to be a bird of some sort.

Wait...what was I just thinking? How to be a bird? I should really keep my subconscious thoughts under control... He shook his head free of the strange train of thought that had come to him, ignoring the other thoughts. Turning once more to look at her, sweet and careful words were chosen "I...only hope that in time, you'll trust me. And I will do what I must to gain it. Perhaps, maybe some day you'd like to come see where I live. I don't belong to a pack yet, so I live on the coast by myself. It's a beauty of a cove, at night the moonlight shines in on ripples upon the surface of the water that comes in on high tide. And you can even see the stars, as if they were sittin' upon the surface of it as well. Every night I see that, and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." Almost as beautiful as you... His eyes lit up as he spoke of his current home, as if his eyes themselves were the very ocean that the stars would light up. His gaze became soft as it fell upon her, his eyes searching out hers. He noticed how beautiful they seemed, the blue of her eyes seemed to have a lost spark but he was sure that they could spark brightly once her soul had been healed and restored to its brilliance once more. With tender gentility and care, he knew that she could be restored. And he wanted to be the one to do that. "Lady Liberty, you're always welcome at my cove should you need companionship, or a place of solitude."
