
why are you following me?



5 Years
12-16-2020, 09:27 PM

This wasn't the first time she had seen that annoying blackbird that followed along on her journeys, it had been many months since the last time she had seen him but apparently, it had caught up or lingered with its presents unknown. The crow was always quiet he followed her for miles upon miles flying from tree to tree doing nothing but observing and watching over the aging fae, she didn't quite understand why this creature showed curiosity in her but she often found herself talking to it like magically she would get a response out of the stupid thing. The dark cluster of fur stepped heavily on the earth as it squished between her toes, caking her small paws in the clay-like mud that clung to the fur between her toes, filling the deep cracks that spread threw her paws with some sort of relief as the ground grew moist and slippery exposing the female's foot trail as she neared the Edge of the Rio, she had yet to explore this land as she planned to slowly make her way threw everything the south lands had to give. Today her body woke up aching, her hips stiff, joints and muscles sore yet she set off on another day of doing what she did best. Moving slower than normal, the steps she made were less coordinated, snapping sticks and kicking rocks that made it into her path. The dark petite head of the she-wolf hung low as she walked with her nose to the ground pulling the scents of the surroundings into her nostrils that flared when she found something sweet before carrying on moving up and down the sides of the poorly walked path. Sloppy in the way she normally tried to hide from the beings around her, to be invisible as she walked threw the lands she had yet to explore that sweet smell of spring that followed her through all the seasons filling the immediate space around her, it’s why so many were drawn to the blinded animal. All due to poor breeding on her mother's end, oh why did she have to get the shit end of the gene pool. Usually, by now she was covered in the rancid scent of some decaying animal she found in her journeys but today she had yet to run into one, or just the lack of trying. But who would even find her way out here? she hadn’t seen or smelled another of her kind for miles. Unknown to the ones downwind of her but surely she wouldn't be crossing any even if she wanted. Looking up at the small blur of the black crow that had perched itself on a branch strides before her waiting on the slower wolf to catch up watching as she passed before picking itself up and fluttering a couple of branches farther ahead.

“Why hello there old friend..”

The words spilled from her black lips as she talked at nothing as if the bird were going to reply. To any that walked past the shaggy brown wolf she would have seemed crazy talking to herself in the middle of the woods. She watched as the world passed her haunted orbs, the dark trunks of trees and diffrent shades of greens and browns that lived in the plantlife. Grumbling lowly as her feet came to a halt quickly as she stepped unknowingly into the edge of the water, taking a step back as she shook her paw. Her long pink tongue snaked from its cave as it lapped at the almost clear water, pulling the chilly liquid into her throat before lifting her head. Peering over her shoulder back at the bird who had found a comfortable spot hidden in the trees. Turning back to the body of water, wading in slowly till only her head poked from the top of the water. Her small stature being cupped in the freezing water that lifted the pain from her hips and muscles, grumbling out happily as her hind met the bottom of the silty river, eyes closing as her body encased itself in goosebumps some sort of defense to the cold water.

"Please engage..."