
Be Not Afraid of Monsters



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-17-2020, 12:15 AM

Walking such a delicate razors' edge between pleasure and pain—control and madness—was an exhilarating experience the likes of which the insanity-touched brute had never felt before. Holding the trembling form of Lurid in his paws was empowering. She trusted him with her life, and he in turn offered her the same degree of trust. Her mouth could move a fraction of an inch and her sharp fangs would tear through his jugular like it were nothing more than a strip of ribbon. The wolf's life would end in a matter of moments, bleeding to death on the ground. This mutual trust allowed them to be who they really were with one another: her a bloodthirsty predator and him a dangerous sadist. He hissed out a quiet snarl when her canines withdrew from his neck, her tongue lapping at the blood that flowed from the wound. It was an oddly soothing and erotic at the same time. With her tender licks to his neck, the bleeding slowly ebbed away, the injury clotting beneath her tongue bath. A heavy sigh passed his lips while hers left his neck only to trail from his throat up his cheek until he felt her lips brush his. Then he tasted her kiss, hard and furious against his mouth.

Lurid's attempt to slip the man free from his bonds of sanity were quickly taking effect. The metallic taste of his own blood on her tongue while his wrestled with hers between their mouths set off the chemical reaction in his brain, and the ravenous beast clawed its way to the surface. Growls rumbled deep within his barrel chest as they kissed, hot and passionate, fires burning within both of them with such a heat that it could scorch the earth. The paw on the back of her head kept her lips crushed to his, refusing to let their kiss end until he demanded it. The tremors in Alastor's body intensified with every inch of skin Lurid's claws ran over, the lower she went, the more powerful the shivers were. She stopped too short for his liking though, the aching need becoming unbearable. When their mouths finally did part, something in Alastor's eyes shifted. His pupils dilated, a natural response to the taste of blood, staring at Lurid as if she were the most delicious meal in the world and he was starving. She did not leave him without her touch for long though, and soon Alastor watched and felt as she made her way to the opposite side of his neck. The thrill of her fangs against his skin was the final push he needed, and with a feral snarl, Alastor broke free of the restraints of sanity.

Moving the paw from her head to his chest, Alastor pushed forward abruptly, using his weight to press her backward until he had her on her back, his body pressed down to hers and keeping her held beneath his weight. He slammed a heavy paw to the ground beside her to keep himself stable while the paw looped around her waist pulled her body tight to his, refusing to let a single inch of her keep from touching his body. Heavy breaths and growls were the only sounds the brindled man made, every heated exhale washing over her ears in their close proximity. While she teased his neck, Alastor relinquished all control to his desires, letting the wild beast within go free. He dipped his muzzle down to where her neck met her shoulder and promptly bit down, just hard enough to break the skin and taste the familiar flavor of blood on his tongue, and strong enough to keep her held tight in his grasp. She had teased him to the edge of insanity, and now the demon would feed his sins with her body.

Lurid's flavor flooded his senses like a high proof liquor. She was rich, delicious, intoxicating... Alastor's eyes rolled back as the demon moaned to her taste in his mouth. Claws dug into her hip, pulling her waist to his until there was no space between them. As much as his body ached to skip the foreplay, Alastor was too keen to return the teasing bites to his lover. With Lurid's blood drugging his brain, the dark brute released her shoulder only to turn his jaws to her neck and, with another dominating snarl, lunged forward to grasp her by the throat. He was careful to make sure he didn't bite down as his jaws squeezed around her throat, holding her in the most possessive way the male knew how. In his current state, he cared little for Lurid's capabilities to breathe or move. So long as he didn't kill her or hurt her leg further, anything was fair game, and by the time he was done with her, she wouldn't be able to walk back to their den. But first, he wanted her to tremble, whine, and moan for him in the way she had made him do He wanted to feel each pleasured sound vibrating her throat in his jaws. She may have been his queen, but tonight, surrounded in his realm of shadows, he was going to be her king. And he was going to make her cry out for him before he made her scream.

"Speech" | Thoughts

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
