
Outrun the Storm



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
12-17-2020, 10:18 AM

The Aegis was tired. Truly tired. The battle against the pack of hyenas had felt like easy just like battle always did. It was only after when the adrenaline was gone and the danger was past that she felt weary and old. Though her wounds had been seen too, Resin was incredibly sore. Hyena jaws were powerful things and they'd left her hindquarters bruised and lacerated. The marks upon her muzzle from raking teeth didn't hurt nearly as bad, but she still felt them.

There were superficial wounds, then there were wounds to the soul. She had failed. One of her own wolves was dead because she hadn't anticipated the threat. Rue had paid with her life. A price that could have been paid by any of her children had they been in the wrong place at that particular time. Resin had sent the patrols out strong. Every able bodied wolf was to comb the Falls and the Springs for threats. Any large predators were to be reported to her. She would burn them all out. After ousting a bear and a pack of coyotes, Resin decided that she was due some rest.

Up above, a warm autumn sun twinkled merrily, oblivious to the hardships of the creatures below. Resin lay on the bank of the river, sprawled out on her side. Her body ached and her mind was a miasma of dark thoughts. She tried to focus on the world around her. The grass, the birds singing, the babble of the river. She grounded herself by melting away and becoming one with the land. Slowly her tension began to ease and she drifted off into a much needed slumber.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]