
Tenacious Woodchucks of Doom



The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-17-2020, 12:50 PM


The world was full of treasure, but Bowen wasn't allowed to travel the world just yet. No one said that she wasn't allowed to scour every inch of the Hallows though. Today, the caramel cream girl skirted the border, nose to the ground and eyes scanning back and forth. Hopefully she would find something interesting today. Yesterday had been a complete bust. She had more than enough rocks in her hoard, so those were out of the question. She could really use more feathers. Those would be nice to have.

As Bowen moved along, a prance in her step, she hummed a little tune. She didn't know any songs, but that didn't really matter. She would make up her own songs as she went. They would be the best songs. The little bag around her neck swayed back and forth. There wasn't even anything in it yet, but she planned to have it full by the time she made it back home.

The day was a little chilly but the sun overhead kept the girl from getting too cold. If she walked the border, she had clear sun most of the time. The smell of rotting vegetation was sweet in the air and periodically Bo would stop, close her vibrant green eyes, and just smell the world around her. She really, really liked the smell of rotting leaves. It was like one of her favorite smells ever. Because she had the mind of a pup, it bounced back and forth constantly. She began to wonder what the favorite smells of other wolves were. What did her mom like to smell? What did her momma think smelled best? The boys probably liked smelling icky things because they were boys, but who really knew? Maybe she could ask all of them.

Traipsing along as she was, lost in thought, Bowen almost missed the big hole beneath the oak tree. It was big hole. She could have walked straight in! Curiosity got the better of her and she moved forward, sticking her head inside to look around. "Whoa!" she exclaimed. It was really dark in there. Much to her surprise, she heard her own voice calling back to her. Viridian eyes went wide as saucers and she gave a little shudder of excitement. "Hellooooo-ooooooooo!" She called into the hole. Of course, her voice called right back. After releasing a squeaky girlish giggle, she tried again. "Iiiii'm Bowen-owen-owen!" Peals of laughter pulled from the tiny child as once again she heard her echo. This time, she heard something else, too. A chittering noise of some sort. Brown furrowed, Bowen stilled, looking into the darkness. There was a scrabbling noise and a brown shape erupted from the darkness. The girl screamed and backed up as much as she was able, but she tripped over one of the oak trees roots and landed flat on her back. The big brown creature came flying after her and she screamed again in terror, bringing her dark forelegs up to shield her eyes.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]