
Tenacious Woodchucks of Doom




Intermediate Fighter (50)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-17-2020, 01:16 PM
Haiku raced along the border, his long gangly legs carrying him almost as fast as Prose could fly. Her white wings led him forward, he nimbly navigated the path around Abaven. He was going to be a warrior just like his dad and his older sisters. He and Senryu were going to be the greatest fighters of all time, but first he had a lot of training to do. He’d be able to patrol for real someday, for now he only was allowed to at the border with the Hallows. Alone anyway, his dad took him and his siblings out all the time. He had started giving them little lessons and taking them to the battlefield. The young boy was growing even more confident in his abilities and was letting his dreams run wild.

He was going to be the toughest fighter in Abaven. He was going to be the best at making wounds, but also the best at patching them up! Like his grandmother Rhythm, his dad, and his big sister Theory he was going to learn all of the plants and their uses. With Sen’s help of course. They were going to be the best Abaven ever had.

Thoughts of grandeur played in his mind as he ran, his gait all out as he neared the border with unclaimed land. His white marks flashing through the yellow foliage. Prose was either getting faster or he was slowing down, and Haiku nearly crashed when he noticed her veer off into the Hallows territory. Haiku came to a scrambling halt as he quickly altered his course. ”Prose!” He called out, ears falling to his skull as he finally realized what his raven was doing. That’s when he heard the sound of the girl’s voice.

He forgot how tired he was getting and raced into the other pack’s territory. He knew he was in the wrong but she was screaming! Something was wrong and someone needed help! Haiku jumped over a downed log but finally saw who he was looking for. He didn’t slow as he saw the woodchuck leap at the small girl. Like she was his own small sister Haiku raced to defend her.

The dire boy was quick to put himself between Bowen and the (he was sure) rabid beast. He bared his teeth and lashed his tail. With a bark he pushed the groundhog back. The rodent wasn’t about to back down to a couple of puppies though and lunged at Haiku. The boy leaps up and only just barely managed to keep out of the creature’s way and not trip over the girl. Hopefully she had gotten out of the way anyway but he couldn’t pay her enough attention.

Prose swept in as well, the brilliant white and pink raven aiming her talons at the woodchuck’s face so Haiku could try and get a better angle on it. The boy tried to keep himself between the rodent and where Bowen at least had been. He was going to protect her, and even a few bites and scratches wouldn’t deter him! With another lunge forward Haiku went to bite the animal’s ear, and he’d manage to take it off. The woodchuck’s surprise was as obvious as Haiku’s and both opponents jumped away from the other. Prose wasn’t out yet though, and she came in for another swoop and really made the creature rethink its life choices.

”Get out of here foul beast!” Haiku commanded as he backed up slightly, finally managing to glance at Bowen to make sure she was alright. Haiku lowered his head menacingly, taunting the woodchuck with his snarling teeth and wagging dual toned tail.

total: 1119

I have a white raven companion named Prose if she isn't mentioned assume she is nearby