
A Home If You Want It




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
12-17-2020, 08:42 PM

Resin could see the anxiety in the rigidity of the girls frame. Though she admitted that she liked the name Tika, she still maintained her frightened state. "Tika," Resin used the name that had been gifted to her by the children. "You're safe." The grey and black woman felt the need to reassure the frightened child.

The giantess tried to put herself in the childs pawprints. She was young. She was alone. She had been abused, Resin was sure. It was obvious that whatever family she belonged to hadn't spent any time with her. Though older than the pups, her speech was that of a toddler. The girl was filled with such blatant anxiety and fear... it disgusted the woman. Not the child herself, but the fact that she had been allowed to become this way. Each wolf had its own personality. Some were naturally skittish, others were confident and strong. But this... Tika had been made this way. And Resin hated it.

When asked if she wanted to stay, it was the first time that the multi-hued girl showed any sort of backbone. She vehemently said yes and the scarred woman smiled. "I'm glad." It was good to see that Tika wasn't just telling Resin what she wanted to hear. "Since you want to stay, you can be part of my family if you'd like. A good family." She made sure to pound that part in. Resin fixed the girl with that singular eye once more, the promise of her words pouring from its citrine depths. "I'll keep you safe, Tika." The girl needed to know that she didn't have to be afraid anymore. It would take time, but Resin hoped that she would eventually grow out of her fearfulness. In that moment, the normally brusque and stoic woman wished to pull the child into an embrace. She wished to show her the love and care that she had been denied, but she believed that it was too soon. No doubt Tika's trust had been shattered again and again. The Aegis could wait to show her affections until the girl came to her.

That brought her to the next matter of business. "What would you like to learn?" Obsidian ears swiveled forward as she questioned the girl. "Artorias is focused on battle. Rudyard is focused on hunting. Bowen is going to be a traveler." The ashen fae gave her head a slight tilt. "What do you want?" The girl was already behind in her studies, having been neglected so before she was found. Despite her anxious and fearful nature, if she was going to be part of the pack, and more importantly part of Resin's family, she was going to have to hone at least one skill. If she was ambitious, Resin would help her learn and perfect many.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]