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Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
12-18-2020, 08:53 PM
Tracking down the elk that had dared hurt her adopted son had brought her further south than she thought it would.  She had even crossed over to an island, and her leg throbbed painfully, but it was getting better. At least the wound on it had closed, now a gruesome scab joined the crude stitches that she had sewn into her flesh. It was the only time she had been thankful for the strange things left behind by a long-forgotten species. Ilyn was with her as an added precaution that Alastor demanded if she went out on her own. Today she was thankful for the miniature polar bear's presence, his steadfast nature always kept her head on straight. She was just about ready to turn around and head home when a scent caught her nose. A wolf was close by, and Lurid was always curious to meet those who inhabited Boreas. Always eager to learn, she changed her direction and followed the scent, keeping a holographic lavender-white eye out for any hint of trouble. Moving when her injury was newer had been difficult, but now it seemed easier, her gait was almost normal speed - even though she only used three of her legs. Her broken leg was held aloft in a crude sling, to keep her from using the limb. When the scent led to another strange metal thing, Lurid stopped a few yards away. "Hello? Anyone home?" Duo-toned vocals rang out as she heard the softest shuffle of paws from within, praying they wouldn't be hostile enough to pick a fight.
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
Discord: Bird_223 or PM character
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