
From one hand to another

Chimera & Siren



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
12-19-2020, 01:43 AM

The days had begun to blur together in a way that made it impossible to determine how long she had been here. The memories of how she had even ended up here in the first place were foggy at best, but she at least remembered wandering away from Ashen's territory after another sleepless night. At some point in her aimless strolling she remembered two large, shadowed figures approaching her and being in a fight with them before everything went black. She had woken up here in the deep darkness of what seemed to be some sort of cave, but it was oddly carved out and even - certainly unlike any naturally occurring cave she had ever experienced.

For the most part she was alone, just hearing distant voices somewhere beyond the entrance of the cavern or room where she was being held. A few brutes had become familiar figures to her though she didn't know their names. Whenever she questioned them they never responded, instead just dropping off a bit of food before leaving her alone again. One male - an imposing figure with dark black and gray fur - had informed her of her fate the first night she was here, but since then not a soul had spoken to her.

Occasionally she would hear fighting and scrambling from down the hall and she had to assume that perhaps there were other prisoners here besides herself that were more violent in their fight against their captors. She had lashed out the first night, but once it had been explained to her that she would be a slave and she had realized the position she had been put in she had decided that fighting would do her no good. No matter her prowess in fighting or the training that she had gone though, she alone was no match for the group of males that was holding her here - she was smarter than that. Instead she waited, trying to keep track of how much time was passing and ultimately failing in the process.

The sound of voices caught her attention and made her lift her head to listen and she realized that there was at least one voice that she hadn't heard before - perhaps two. She lifted herself onto her haunches as she peered out the entrance of the room she had been kept in all this time, curious to see the wolves that those voices belonged to. She hadn't noticed any new voices come into the caverns that weren't of the panicked, worried sort in her time here so to hear voices that were conversational in tone certainly caught her interest.
